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数据中心(Data Center)是一个高度专业化的领域,涉及到许多专业术语和概念。以下是一些常见的数据中心专业术语及其简要解释:

Data Center is a highly specialized field involving many professional terms and concepts. Here are some common data center professional terms and their brief explanations:

1. Uptime(运行时间):

1. Uptime:

- 指数据中心在一定时间内能够保持正常运行的时间比例。通常以百分比表示,如99.999%(五个九)。

- Refers to the percentage of time that a data center can maintain normal operation within a certain period of time. Usually expressed as a percentage, such as 99.999% (five nines).


2. Tier:

   - 数据中心的分级标准,通常分为Tier 1到Tier 4。Tier 4是最高级别,具有最高的可靠性和冗余性。

- Data center grading standards, usually divided into Tier 1 to Tier 4. Tier 4 is the highest level, with the highest reliability and redundancy.

3. Rack(机架):

3. Rack:

- 用于安装服务器和其他设备的标准化框架。常见的有19英寸机架和23英寸机架。

- A standardized frame for mounting servers and other equipment. Common types include 19-inch racks and 23-inch racks.

4. Blade Server(刀片服务器):

4. Blade Server:

- 一种高密度服务器架构,多个服务器模块(称为刀片)插入一个共用的底盘中。

- A high-density server architecture in which multiple server modules (called blades) are plugged into a common chassis.

5. Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)(电能使用效率):

5. Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE):

- 衡量数据中心电能使用效率的指标,PUE = 总电能消耗 / IT设备电能消耗。理想的PUE值接近1。

- An indicator to measure the power efficiency of a data center, PUE = total power consumption / IT equipment power consumption. The ideal PUE value is close to 1.

6. Cooling Efficiency(冷却效率):

6. Cooling Efficiency:

- 数据中心冷却系统的效率,通常通过冷却PUE(CPUE)来衡量。

- The efficiency of a data center’s cooling system, usually measured by Cooling Power Usage Effectiveness (CPUE).

7. Hot Aisle/Cold Aisle(热通道/冷通道):

7. Hot Aisle/Cold Aisle:

- 一种数据中心布局设计,通过将服务器机架排成行,形成冷气流和热气流的分离,提高冷却效率。

- A data center layout design that separates cold and hot air flows by arranging server racks in rows, improving cooling efficiency.

8. Containerized Data Center(集装箱数据中心):

8. Containerized Data Center:

- 将数据中心设备集成在标准集装箱中,以便快速部署和移动。

- Integrate data center equipment into standard containers for quick deployment and mobility.

9. Redundancy(冗余):

9. Redundancy:

- 指数据中心中多余的组件或系统,以提高可靠性和容错能力。如双路电源、双路网络等。

- Refers to redundant components or systems in a data center to improve reliability and fault tolerance, such as dual power supplies, dual networks, etc.

10. Disaster Recovery(灾难恢复):

10. Disaster Recovery:

- 数据中心在发生灾难(如地震、火灾等)后,快速恢复数据和服务的能力。

- The ability of a data center to quickly restore data and services after a disaster (such as an earthquake, fire, etc.).

11. Backup(备份):

11. Backup:

- 定期将数据复制到其他存储设备或位置,以防止数据丢失。

- Regularly copy data to another storage device or location to prevent data loss.

12. Virtualization(虚拟化):

12. Virtualization:

- 通过软件将物理硬件资源抽象成虚拟资源,以提高资源利用率和灵活性。

- Abstract physical hardware resources into virtual resources through software to improve resource utilization and flexibility.

13. Cloud Computing(云计算):

13. Cloud Computing:

- 一种通过互联网提供计算资源和服务的模型,包括IaaS(基础设施即服务)、PaaS(平台即服务)和SaaS(软件即服务)。

- A model for delivering computing resources and services over the Internet, including IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and SaaS (Software as a Service).

14. Edge Computing(边缘计算):

14. Edge Computing:

- 将计算和存储资源放置在网络边缘,以减少延迟和提高数据处理速度。

- Place computing and storage resources at the edge of the network to reduce latency and increase data processing speed.

15. Colocation(合置):

15. Colocation:

- 将多个客户的设备放置在第三方提供的数据中心中,以共享基础设施和服务。

- Placing multiple customers' equipment in a data center provided by a third party to share infrastructure and services.

16. Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)(数据中心基础设施管理):

16. Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM):

- 通过软件工具监控和管理数据中心的物理设施,如电力、冷却和网络。

- Monitor and manage data center physical facilities such as power, cooling, and networking through software tools.

17. ITSM(IT服务管理):

17. ITSM (IT Service Management):

- 一套用于管理IT服务的流程和实践,通常基于ITIL(信息技术基础设施库)框架。

- A set of processes and practices for managing IT services, usually based on the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework.

这些术语和概念是理解和管理数据中心的基础。熟悉这些术语可以帮助更好地设计、运营和维护数据中心,确保其高效、可靠和安全。 These terms and concepts are the basis for understanding and managing data centers. Familiarity with these terms can help you better design, operate, and maintain data centers to ensure they are efficient, reliable, and secure.