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方舟科技访问伊斯兰堡警察局和安全城市管理局 Fangzhou Technology visits Islamabad Police and Safe City Authority

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Fangzhou Technology visits Islamabad Police and Safe City Authority


On March 21-22,2024, Fangzhou Technology CEO Mr Luo Gangju and the Fangzhou Technology (Pakistan) team visit Islamabad police chief Dr. Akbar and Safe City Authority and its management team, with warm interaction, mutual hope to combine China and Guizhou safe city experience and Pakistan local reality, help with peace Pakistan construction, and contribute to peace of Pakistan.


On March 21, 2024, Luo Gangju, CEO of Fangzhou Technology, and technical engineers paid a special visit to Chief Police Akbar, Islamabad. Mr Luo Gangju said that past experience and lessons are valuable knowledge assets, and Fangzhou Technology is the only integrator who understands both China and Pakistan security systems. Dr. Akbar said, I was deeply impressed by my visit to Guizhou Big Data and Smart Policing five years ago. China's plan for a safe city and Guizhou's experience are very important for the construction of safe city projects in Pakistan. I believe Ark Technology can combine China's plan and Guizhou's experience with the actual local conditions in Pakistan, help the construction of safe Pakistan and contribute to safe Pakistan.


On March 22,2024, at the invitation of the capital Islamabad safe city administration, the Fangzhou Technology CEO Luo Gangju to Islamabad Police Safe City Authority office, to safe city management team is "Fangzhou Technology (China) safe city construction practice and experience sharing" theme made a vivid speech and interactive communication. The conference took the way of online video, with the CEO of Fangzhou Technology lecturing the PPT, Mrs Qiu Bixia, general manager of International Department, interpreted it online, and the industry technical engineers of Fangzhou Technology headquarters attended the video conference.


The lecture PPT is as follows:


(1) The development process of safe cities in Guizhou, China. In the field of Skynet engineering system in China, it has gone through several stages from analog to digital, from standard definition to HD, from front-end to platform application, and then to AI application. In the construction of Safe China, we have extended from the sky net project to the snow bright project, safe city to safe community, from safe city to safe countryside, from safe city to smart city, from smart city to digital China.


(2) China's mainstream security and IT TOP enterprises, emphasize the general type and standardization. As a provider of new intelligent (safe) city solutions, Fangzhou Technology has been deeply engaged in safe cities for nearly 20 years, and has developed a series of personalized and customized products to address the application pain points of the police information industry.


(3) Super star structured camera machine developed by Fangzhou Technology, super star multi-scene capturing ball machine, super star AR panoramic ball machine, and environmental protection bayonet camera. These various types of cameras are laid out into the whole urban public domain, forming several closed ops one level after level. In a number of closed loop, we will monitor the people, cars and mobile phones in the city in the process of the surveillance area, form one archive for one person, one archive for one vehicle, archive for one cell phone, then form data associations between people, vehicles and cell phones.

(3)方舟科技开发的超星光结构化摄像机机、超星光多场景抓拍球机、超星光 AR 全景球机,还有环保卡口摄像机。这些各种类别的摄像机布局到整个城市公共领域,形成一个层次又一个层次的若干个闭环。在若干个闭环,我们对城市里面的人、车、手机就会在监视区的监视过程之中形成一人一个档案、一车一个档案、一个手机一个档案,然后对人、车、手机形成数据的关联。

(4)The Fangzhou camera has the front end structure algorithm, in the process of capture or video, we will be the vehicle license plate color, models, logo, personnel face, clothing and other social large-scale activity video for a full picture capture and video, and then output structured data, so as to trace the vehicles and people. Our multi-dimensional perception camera is a multi-dimensional perception, not just video surveillance. For people, he will output the structured data in the process of recording or capturing, or output the latest structured algorithm, and transmit it to the surveillance center in real time.

(4)方舟科技摄像机具有前端结构算法,在抓拍或者视频录像的过程之中,我们会对车辆车牌颜色、车型、车标,人员的人脸、衣着以及其他的社会大型活动视频进行一个全程的图片抓拍还有录像,然后输出结构化数据,实现车过留痕 人过留脸。我们的多维感知摄像机,是可以实现多维感知,不仅仅是视频监控的图像监控。对于人,他会在录像或者抓拍的过程之中,或者是对输出最新结构化的算法,输出结构化的数据,实时传送到监控中心。

(5) Fangzhou Technology multi-dimensional perception camera, in the video monitoring areas such as intersections, entrances and exits, can realize the information collection of motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and people, at the same time can collect mobile phone IMSI code, and collect the MAC address of portable electronic products, to realize the aggregation of human and car codes and small scene data analysis and association.


(6) Fangzhou Technology suspected vehicle technology method, how to do it? I just talked about the data extraction of some characteristics of the previous vehicles, and then our command and dispatch platform will score and score the behavioral characteristics of the vehicles. For example, frequently at night, we score him 10 points; our high-risk area vehicles we score 10 points, from the risk and risk area, give him 100 points, put down the sun shade at night, we give him 30 points, if his passenger car is covered, we also give him 10 points. All the vehicles that appear in the video surveillance area have scored, and there are points ranking. Set the warning value, reach the warning value, will automatically warn and alarm, this is our suspected vehicle technical tactics.

(6)方舟科技嫌疑车辆技战法,是怎么做的呢?我刚才讲到对于前面那些各种车的一些特征的数据提取,然后我们的指挥调度平台会对车辆的行为特征进行打分和计分统计。举个例子来说,夜间频繁出现,我们给它记分 10 分;我们高危地区的车辆我们记分 10 分,来自风险和高危区域,给他记100分,晚上也放下遮阳板,我们给他记30分,如果他的副驾驶车是蒙脸的,我们也给他记 10 分。凡是出现在视频监控区域的所有车辆,都有计分,且有积分排名。设定预警数值,达到预警值,就会自动预警和报警,这就是我们的嫌疑车辆技战法。

(7) Fangzhou Technology early warning system is a unique black technology product developed by Fangzhou Technology according to the front-line combat needs for many years. It is based on the latest high-tech application of AI intelligence, in crowded public, facing more than 30 faces at the same time, the system can through the image vibration image analysis technology, real-time analysis of public personnel psychological, emotional state, the system can fastest in 1~3 seconds, can quickly screen in the crowd with violent terrorist suspicious, and automatic alarm tips. Early warning, really prevent in advance, to ensure the people's public safety.

(7)方舟科技预警系统是方舟科技根据多年来的一线实战需求,开发的一款独特黑科技产品。它是基于 AI 智能的最新高科技应用,在人群密集的公共场合,同时面向30余张面孔,系统可通过图像振动影像分析技术,可实时分析监测公共场合人员的心理、情绪状态,系统最快可在1~3秒内,就能快速的在人群中筛选出具有暴力恐怖倾向的可疑分子,并自动报警提示。提前预警,真正做到防范于未然,保障人民的公共安全。

(8) Fangzhou Technology operation and maintenance management platform software. In the past, we have experienced several generations of urban monitoring construction, and there are always problems of emphasizing construction over operation and maintenance. After years of actual combat of Fangzhou Technology, we believe that a city monitoring item should be three points of construction and seven points of operation and maintenance. The software of Fangzhou Technology operation and maintenance management platform realizes the real-time state monitoring of all the hardware and software devices of the whole system from the front end to the transmission to the computer room, from the hardware to the software to the power environment. Improve the stability and availability of the whole safe city system, and ensure that the online rate, standard rate and integrity rate of video images are always not less than 95%. At the same time, its greater value lies in the status monitoring and performance assessment of the equipment and maintenance staff. At the same time, it also assists the organization's quality management system, for the dynamic monitoring of the quality of the network products management, whitelist and blacklist management. Fangzhou Technology operation and maintenance management platform software can easily realize the network system and project management and monitoring of the dynamic full life cycle of asset management.


PPT After the lecture, Islamabad safe city director Mr Shoaib Khurram Janbaz said: the Fangzhou Technology really have a deep understanding of safe city, PPT content shows a lot of very advanced concept, hope Fangzhou Technology can provide part of the sample test, we will adopt more advanced technology and products in our safe city construction to better safeguard the security of Islamabad.

PPT主讲结束以后,伊斯兰堡安全城市负责人Shoaib Khurram Janbaz说:方舟科技确实对安全城市有深刻的理解,PPT内容有很多理念很先进,希望方舟科技能够提供部分样品测试,我们将在我们的安全城市建设中融入更多的先进技术和产品,更好维护伊斯兰堡的安全。


Written: Ma Hui


Proofread: Wang Chao


Review: Qiu Bixia
